Monday, April 30, 2007

WHO report says motorcycle accidents threaten youth health
The World Health Organization (WHO) said here on Thursday with a report that deaths and disabilities resulting from motorcycle accidents involving youngsters have become a worldwide health hazard.
Young motorcyclists make up a significant percentage of injuries and fatalities among road users, particularly in low and medium-income countries, the WHO Office of West Pacific Region based in Manila said in the report.
Factors such as speed, no helmets, risk-taking behavior and drink-driving contribute to the rising trend, the WHO said.
In low and medium-income countries, "vulnerable road users" including motorcyclists make up a larger proportion of those injured or killed than the rest of the world, the report said.
In these countries, helmets are rarely used, partly because of their cost and partly because of a lack of helmets for young passengers, the WHO said.

1 comment:

Kathleen Jennette said...

Hey there Gus!
Got a link to your site here. I like it.
On this post... For me... "motorcycle accidents" aren't motorcycle accidents. They are caused by persons who aren't paying attention.... no accident in my book. There is a great PSA out there... I will put it on my site for ya.
KT Did